Lets Werk
Well the first thing you should do is STOP!

Time to take back control, gain confidence and feel good about yourself.
In a world filled with diets, online and off-line trainers, every page on Instagram and social media filled with wellness bloggers and celebrities – it is really difficult not to get sucked into before and after images and the latest products promising miracle transformation!
Just about anyone can call themselves a fitness and wellness expert – so what makes me different!?

Who is Harriet?
I have trained women of all ages through the decades from teenager, through pregnancy and post natal and through the decades. I truly believe exercise is for all women of all ages.
I have been a PT and Coach for over 25 years specialising in women’s health and wellbeing (though men are allowed and welcomed on my programmes).
During my time as a PT I understand that women go through many stages in their lives from puberty, pregnancy and post-natal to menopause and during this time our needs differ regarding fitness – due to lifestyle and our bodies needs!
As a women I understand the stresses and strains of everyday life and as well as being an expert in pregnancy and post natal training am absolutely passionate about womens wellbeing in general.
I continually push myself and never stop learning so that I can share my knowledge with my lovely clients.

You need to do something now – you want to be fitter & healthier

You’re ready to take time for you& join other like-minded women & get fit!
What You Get
- You get a coach in your own home.
- No more watching a workout alone and not knowing if you are exercising correctly or doing yourself an injury!
- Access to real video workouts with banging music that you can do again and again along with detailed instructional videos showing technique and method (McGuffies Method!)
- 50+ videos of our live zoom coaching
- Food and Calorie Help
- You get tried and tested recipes and calorie guides for you to integrate into your everyday life - as well as an Eating out guide to help you make good choices!
- NO MORE getting off track or lacking results. Our monthly schedules, challenges and check-ins keep you on track and improving every month so you get results – need help – Schedule a call to get on track!
Beth Lynch
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I’m unsure – can I speak to someone?
Absolutely ! We know your decision to join our programme will be transforming – we encourage you to speak to Harriet and the team beforehand if you have any questions at hi@harrietmcguffie.co.uk
How fit do I need to be to join?
You can be any level of fitness to join. All our classes can be adapted for levels of fitness.
If you are unsure book a call with Harriet – hi@harrietmcguffie.co.uk
Do I need to purchase any equipment?
For some of the classes you will need resistance bands, dumbells and a kettle bell – not sure whats right – get in touch with Harriet – hi@harrietmcguffie.co.uk
I’m pregnant – can I join ?
Yes – Harriet is an expert in pregnancy and post natal exercise – before you join however please get in touch to discuss your personal needs.
I have some health issues – can I join?
We ask all our online clients to do an online ParQ form – if you have any health issues that you think restrict you please book a call with Harriet and she can advise you – hi@harrietmcguffie.co.uk
I’m Vegetarian will the recipes be suitable for me?
Yes – all our recipes are either suitable for vegetarians or can be easily adapted
I eat out – a lot! – can you help me with healthy eating?
Yes – we have an eating out guide which will assist you with making good choices when eating out.
How many workouts will I get access to?
As soon as you register you will get access to 5 full workouts and videos that will show you technique and style – these are added to on a regular basis as well as access to all our previous zoom videos
Am I locked into a membership?
Your initial sign up is for 2 months – after that you are in control and cancel upgrade or downgrade at any time